16 March, 2012

Eye of the Beholder

I was making up a mixture of gesso and acrylic paint (for painting the sides of my 1 1/2" deep canvas's and panels for landscape paintings) when I was stopped in my tracks. My heart skipped a beat at the beautiful swirls I was creating. I had been having a frustrating day in my studio but as I looked at the rich colours and delicate lines before me, my spirits were lifted.

I particularly like the patterns that are sitting on the palette knife.


  1. It is really just so beautiful as is!! I'm just so glad that, despite your frustrations, you were still able to see all the beauty in front of you for what it really is....everything doesn't have to be a perfect finished product to be art and lovely to admire!! Glad you chose to take the photos and capture the images and colors!

  2. It looks good enough to eat but thankfully I resisted the temptation!

  3. Oh, pretty. And you are right about "good enough to eat". This looks just like something I requested of a friend recently. She is studying to become a chocolatier. She's been mixing chocolates and practicing with flavorings and making various chocolate candies. I suggested a white chocolate with black licorice swirled in it. I wonder what that would taste like. I think it would look just like your mixture. Have you ever had white chocolate with black licorice? Does it exist? I want some.

  4. I was never someone who liked to mix chocolate with anything except wafer. But it is certainly an intriguing combination. Both the paint and gesso I was mixing were runny enough to create these delicate lines but thick enough to hold them once they were formed.
