The weather has been mostly gloriously warm and sunny this month. As a result, the beach is starting to be more populated by its human visitors (the State clearing most of the storm debris has also been a contributing factor).
While I will, in general, usually chose warm over cold, I do bid a sad farewell to some of the more lovely moody days we had this autumn and winter like the one above.
Give the sun even a sliver of an opening in the clouds and it will do magic on the ocean below.
As people reclaim the beach scenes like this may become less frequent until next winter. Eleven egrets in one picture - a personal best.
I only ever see one Blue Heron at any one time so I'm not sure if it is the same one. Here it is in Dana Point Harbour.
And at low tide at Doheny Beach.
And a new fellow (or girl) who turned up last week. Thanks to my friend Jack I now know it is a Clark's Grebe. I also know it was very hard to get a picture of it because it would only stay on the surface for a few seconds before spending a long time underwater before surfacing somewhere else. Either it was very hungry or camera shy.